Africa, the so-called rainbow continent is second only to Asia when it comes to land mass size and population. It is also commonly looked at as the source of humans. The scientific community has discovered that around seven million years ago, hominids are already present in the continent; and that 200,000 years ago, the earliest contemporary humans lived in Ethiopia. This is is not surprising, looking at how easy it is to set up camp in an region with decent river systems. Here are the leading five longest rivers inside the continent. 1. Nile Who does not know of the Nile River, spanning 6,650 km or 4,132 miles? It really is perhaps the precursor to Egyptian civilization. It truly is practically the lifeline of Northeastern Africa, coursing through 9 countries – Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Egypt, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Kenya and Rwanda and drains into the Mediterranean. Civilization has usually thrived near sizable bodies of water, and the Nile, becoming the fertile river that it really is, is no exception. This is apparent, even to this day, where city lights can indicate how the Nile meanders at some points. The Nile river program has quite a few tributaries, the White Nile as well as the Blue Nile becoming the primary tributaries.

Thence, it was hard for explorers to track the source of the river and it wasn’t until the late 19th century that people began to really comprehend the river and it has been established that the final source of the river is the Bururi Province in Burundi. 2. Congo Now, this river, which spans 4,700 km or 2,920 miles, will be the stuff that poems are produced from. Langston Hughes specially wrote about it in “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”. This river is THAT awesome that not only one, but two countries are named after it – the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo. It also courses by means of Angola, Burundi, Cameron, Gabon, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia; and it drains into the Atlantic Ocean. Prior to the railway system was established in the region, the river Will be the lifeline of the men and women. It can be the deepest river internationally and while it ranks 9th as the longest river globally (2nd within the African Continent), it’s second only to Amazon when looking at the volume of water discharged, making it one of the most powerful rivers in the environment (although it has to be stated that it has only a fifth of Amazon’s volume).

As a matter of fact, scientists have stipulated that the Congo Basin’s hydropower potential can provide sufficient electricity for ALL of sub-Saharan Africa. 3. Niger The Niger River, spanning 4,180 km or 2,597 miles, is an oddity of oddities. Geographers have been baffled by its throw a stick shape; the origin is just 150 mi from the Atlantic Ocean but the river used to take its sweet time getting to the ocean, going instead into the Sahara Desert and taking a right turn into Timbuktu before heading southeast. It is additionally passes via Mali, Niger, the Benin border, Nigeria and discharges into the Gulf of Guinea. This river may be accessed from the sea, unlike Congo, where Livingstone Falls prevent access. When equated with Nile, this is a comparatively clear river mainly because its sources are locations with a small amount of silt. Another unique thing about this river will be the Inner Niger Delta, that is as if the river attempted to release before it arrived at the country the gulf, creating large ponds and floodplains in a supposedly semi-arid area in Central Mali. four. If you need more information please visit

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